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School News

Manor Adventure

Between the 18th and 20th of November, children in year 6 had the opportunity to stay overnight at an outdoors adventure camp called Culmington Manor. Here the children took part in a wide variety of fun and challenging activities: climbing, abseiling, zip wire, hill walking, fencing, obstacle courses, canoeing and kayaking. Classmates encouraged each other with all the activities and many long-lasting memories were made.

Children’s Quotes:

“I really enjoyed the trip as the activities we did were the best! I especially enjoyed the rock climbing and being brave with the zip wire.” – Tia (6W)

“My favourite activity was the kayaking as I had never done it before and it was great to share with my friends.” – Augustas (6C)

“This trip was great because I faced my fears in some of the activities and it was such a fun trip. It was a wonderful experience.” – Amelia (6W)

“The obstacle course was awesome and our instructor told us some funny jokes while encouraging us with the challenge. It felt like I was doing army training when I was crawling through the mud.” - Waqas (6C)

“I loved the canoeing because it was my first time on water in a boat and I also found out that I was pretty good at it too.” – Raihan (6C)


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