St. Andrew's
Church of England Primary School

St Andrew's - a Good Samaritan School (Luke 10: 25-37). Making a difference, with faith, hope and love so all can flourish.

School Councillors
Welcome to St Andrew’s School Council homepage.
Please read on to hear about who we are and what we do.
Event Calendar​
Charities we have supported
Take a look at the charities we have supported and where your money goes.
Aims of the School Council:
To give the pupils a 'voice' in our school.
To encourage collaboration between pupils of different ages.
To give our pupils the opportunity to work alongside other members of our school community (staff, governors, parents visitors).
To allow pupils to experience democracy at first hand and learn the importance of being active citizens.
Who are our councillors?
Most of our councillors have been elected to their position by their fellow classmates. Each class in Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 held democratic elections to select their two class representative.
How often does the school council meet?
Our school council aims to meet once a month. These meeting happen in the meeting room at lunchtime with Mrs Nock.
So far as a school Council:
So far as a school council we have raised money for and supported:
Children in Need
The Children’s Society
Local families in need