St. Andrew's
Church of England Primary School

St Andrew's - a Good Samaritan School (Luke 10: 25-37). Making a difference, with faith, hope and love so all can flourish.

Christian Distinctiveness & Mission
Our Mission
Modelled by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and through our vision, motto and values, we FAITHfully nurture, care for and inspire all who learn and work here; celebrate with LOVE our diversity as individuals made in the image of God and challenge each other to reach our God given potential through offering a culture of HOPE where we aspire for excellence in all that we are and all that we do.
We will:
Provide a place of learning where everyone is cherished, valued and respected.
Teach a high quality curriculum designed for the needs of our children as laid out in our Curriculum Intent, Implementation, and Impact
Promote high expectations in behaviour through our Ready Respect Safe rules.
Give our children the confidence to rise to challenge, encouraging them to persevere in all situations, so building their resilience.
Use a restorative approach to address challenging situations and relationships, seeking to bring about peaceful reconciliation with forgiveness and fresh starts at its core.
Offer strong, pastoral provision, compassion and emotional nurture fostering support from families, leading to good mental health and well-being for all.
Celebrate our diversity as unique individuals made in the image of God, making a stand for equality, and justice.
Deliver a PSHE and HRE curriculum that prepares our children for the challenges of modern Britain.
Invite everyone to inclusive, inspiring acts of Collective Worship which allow children and adults to grow spiritually using a variety of expressions and practices that also involve parents and our local church connections.
Deliver high quality RE which increases religious knowledge and understanding, whilst allowing learners to encounter opportunities to reflect on their own individual beliefs.