St. Andrew's
Church of England Primary School

St Andrew's - a Good Samaritan School (Luke 10: 25-37). Making a difference, with faith, hope and love so all can flourish.

Performing Arts

Subject Definition
Performing arts is the study of the art around us to gain knowledge and understanding. Performers do this by researching, practising techniques, performing, asking for feedback and improving their work. At St Andrew’s we believe everyone is a performer. We encourage performing as much as possible.
Useful Websites
Dance for KS1
Dance for KS2
Intent, Implementation & Impact
We celebrate dance at our Diversity event, we share what exciting routines our dance squad have been learning all year.
At St Andrew’s pupils will learn to develop a love of performing and the understanding that anyone can be a performer. This will be encapsulated through the exposure of quality performers within the curriculum and positive role models.
We celebrate dance and invite visitors to show off their skills.
Every year we are lucky enough to have the pantomime visit us, this year we really enjoyed watching Jack and the Beanstalk.

We implement this through a progressive topic-led curriculum, enhanced by both visitors to the school and wider opportunities for the children to showcase their skills. As well as this, showcasing the children’s work allows the involvement of parents.
Dance has many different elements. These children have been working on their balance.

At St Andrew's we really enjoy expressing ourselves, everyone is encouraged to take part and enjoy dancing.
Children work hard on their performances and have the chance to self evaluate on how they could make them better.
Lindy Hop
Year 6 have been re-creating the Lindy Hop. They have evaluated their final performances.

Mexican Hat Dance
Year 6 have been doing some fantastic Mexican hat dances and have evaluated their final performance.