St. Andrew's
Church of England Primary School
'With Faith, Hope and Love we can achieve greater things'
St Andrew's - a Good Samaritan School (Luke 10: 25-37). Making a difference so all can flourish.
Reading Recovery
What do we do for children who are in Year 1 but are struggling to learn to read?
A reading support programme we implement in school is entitled READING RECOVERY.
It is a school based literacy intervention programme, targeting children in Year 1 who have had a year of schooling, but we feel that our RWI phonics approach is not working for them and they need to be taught an alternative way.
The programme involves daily 1:1 30 minute intensive sessions tailored to meet each child’s needs incorporating reading and writing. The focus of each session is to learn how and when to use various reading strategies to help them solve new words and to construct messages in writing.
Mrs Gorman is the Reading Recovery teacher at our school and she enjoys working with parents to help accelerate each child’s reading and writing skills so that the children chosen to participate in Reading Recovery can catch up with their peers.
If you want to know more about this programme or ask for help with how to teach your child to read she will be happy to advise parents who are concerned about their own child’s reading performance.
You can find out more information about this reading intervention by clicking on the link below: