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School News

RAF Cosford

On Thursday 14th November, year 6 children visited RAF Cosford as part of their learning. Despite the wet weather, they were really keen to see real planes from World War Two and get a ‘hands on’ experience with a range of primary sources. The visited included a guest speaker (John Parsons) who had lived through the war and was evacuated from Liverpool to North Wales. The children showed respect and were fascinated by his story as they were able to draw parallels between his experiences and those of the main characters in their class text – Friend or Foe.

Children’s Quotes:

“I really enjoyed listening to Mr Parsons telling his story about what it was like being an evacuee in World War Two.” – Diya (6W)

“The 4D cinema experience was amazing. It was like being in a real fighter plane.” – Jagjeet (6W)

“I was really interested in hearing about the haunted Lincoln Bomber. Apparently, people have heard footsteps and noises inside when there has been no one else around it.” – Mario (6W)


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