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School News


This term Year 4 have been looking at the following topics in Maths.

Place Value

This term, we have focused on the value of numbers and partitioning numbers to show the value of each number.

The following link shows the importance of knowing about place value 

We have also looked at Roman numerals - these are important because they are still used in many areas of life still to this day. 

Test you child on their knowledge at home by following this link

Negative Numbers

We use a number line in Year 4 to help us to work with negative numbers. Here is an example of some of the work we produced. 

Addition and Subtraction

Knowing how to add and subtract using standard written method (SWM) is very important in KS2. 

Here is a link to make sure that you can help your child if they are struggling at home. 


To start our amazing maths learning in Autumn 2, we had an awesome practical maths lesson outside! We created shapes using cones, and measured the perimeter using trundle wheels. This really helped us to understand the concept of perimeter. If you would like to create your own shapes and work out the perimeter, just follow the link.

Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100

Over the past two weeks, we have been learning to multiply and divide by 10 and 100.

Check out the link below to have a go!

This week in maths we have been learning our 6, 7 and 9 times table.

Click the links below to to sing and dance along with the Supermovers!


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